Lanterns for Patios: The Amazing Possibilities of Restoration Hardware Outdoor Lanterns


Restoration Hardware carries some amazing products for outdoor living. To bring a bit of nostalgia to your patio - even if it’s an ultra-modern design - let’s look at lanterns for patios: the amazing possibilities of Restoration Hardware outdoor lanterns.

Lanterns for Patios: The Amazing Possibilities of Restoration Hardware Outdoor Lanterns

Can Lanterns Be Left Outside?

The first question on people’s minds relates to paper lanterns. Aside from paper lanterns, the answer is yes, they can be left outside. In fact, lanterns are favorites for lighting the way indoors and out. There are many design varieties, but they all have one thing in common: they can be left outside.

Modern lanterns are structures supported by metal and shielded by metal. The light source inside is fueled by either a candle, oil wick, or often these days, a candelabra bulb powered by a solar or conventional battery.

The flame is protected and amplified by a glass container, either in a cylinder shape or any range of shapes that fit a design. Modern lanterns make exceptional light sources especially when placed in an outdoor living area.

The angled metal sheets or structure of a modern lantern help deflect water from rainfall so that little water or snow makes it inside the lantern. The metal sheets hang slightly over the glass so that the water or snow doesn’t affect the side of the glass either. If it is a candle or oil wick, there is a small amount of venting at the top of the lantern to allow oxygen to flow in and carbon dioxide to flow out. Most importantly, the wind that flies past the lantern won’t make its way in to snuff out the flame.

The beautiful modern lanterns from Renovation Hardware sometimes follow this design, but there are plenty of variations on a theme to choose from.

Which Lantern Is Best?

Restoration Hardware has many different types of lantern designs available to improve the look of an outdoor living space. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular.

The Normandy Lantern: This outstanding modern piece of art just happens to also be a formidable outdoor lighting source. Famed interior designer Jonathan Browning’s beautiful design follows a minimalist ethos. A simple reflective stainless metal rectangle composes the main structure of the design. At exactly the center of the top rail and the base, there is a connecting beam that holds the center frame in place. Inside the center frame, there is an elegant glass box that holds the candle. The beautiful juxtaposition in form creates a dazzling spectacle that evokes the finest tastes in modern art. Available in either Polished Stainless Steel, Brass, Slate, or Iron variations, this lantern is a real stunner for your patio.

The Treviso Teak Lantern: This impressive outdoor lantern isn’t supported through the majesty of modern steel. Instead, it takes its beautiful structure, color, and texture from the classic hardwood teak tree. The clean and minimalist lines follow a modern design scheme and put the candle inside on full display. The main box structure shows off the light source, but the upper deck pulls double duty as a reinforcement structure and tasteful cap for the top of the lantern. It’s a real beauty to work with in any modern landscape application. This lantern is currently available in the timeless Weathered Teak variation.

The Reims Lantern: Another one of Jonathan Browning’s incredible modern lighting designs, the Reims Lantern evokes some classic architecture without losing sight of what’s ahead. The perfect geometry of the frame is enhanced by a solid roof and some large glass panels that put the candle on full display. This beautiful lantern is available in Polished Stainless Steel, Brass, Slate, Iron, or Bronze variations.

The Claudel Solar Lantern: Unlike other lanterns in its class that are available from Restoration Hardware, the Claudel Solar Lantern takes its energy directly from the bounty of the sun. The real focus of this lantern, however, is the structure itself. The elegant metal columns are angled as fins to call attention to each corner. The light actually comes from inside each of the columns and passes through the center to the other side. Situated right on top is a solar panel that keeps these wonderful and eco-friendly lanterns off the grid and far away from adding to your electricity bill each month.

Can Wood Lanterns Go Outside?

With all the considerations we’ve made already about metal lanterns, it would be a shame to leave out the many wood lanterns as well. We’ve mentioned a few, so let’s talk about how wood can transform your outdoor lighting strategies.

Consider how wood is used all around a landscape – the fence, railings, benches, lounge chairs, tables, accents, and even the siding of the home. Wood has been used for thousands of years for landscape applications. Wood does not, however, stand for years outside just by itself. Some species such as teak and redwood are naturally much slower to deteriorate but even there, the natural deterioration of wood occurs from exposure to sunlight, freeze-thaw cycles, wind, and moisture.

This deterioration can be halted by the process of staining wood, which needs to happen every 3 to 5 years. With routine staining, wood can last through the elements as well as any other material.

What Do You Put In An Outdoor Lantern?

The primary purpose of an outdoor lantern is to make the outdoor living space that more beautiful. While the best things to put inside an outdoor lantern provide light to the surrounding area, there are other great options as well.

The traditional light sources for lanterns have always been the wax candle or the oil wick. These light sources make impressive displays of beautiful flickering light, but they are actually somewhat inefficient by today’s standards. Both produce substantial amounts of heat that isn’t used very efficiently. The fuel of either wick will need to be replaced after not very many hours and cleaned regularly.

More modern applications for lanterns are either much more efficient in using energy or simply not producing light at all. Battery-operated candles are often built to a high quality and can produce flickering light for far longer than any candle or oil wick. Best of all, they require no cleanup whatsoever.

An outdoor lantern can be well-utilized adding a romantic ambience to your patio. You can even personalize them. When little pieces of memorabilia or other decorations are placed inside the lantern, they act as somewhat of an art exhibit for all your favorite items.

Image courtesy of Restoration Hardware