5 Ideas for Bringing Summer Romance to Your Deck

FIBERON HORIZON DECKING - GREYSTONE  photo courtesy of Fiberon

FIBERON HORIZON DECKING - GREYSTONE  photo courtesy of Fiberon

Summer in the Hudson Valley is a time for leisure, peacefulness, and, of course, romance.  Forego the date night to the movies or to the same restaurants and enjoy a romantic evening in your outdoor living space. The twilight hours, sweet summer breeze, and dancing fireflies all help to set the stage for a night of romance in your own backyard. Bring some romance to your deck and know that the possibilities are endless. Tap into the five senses and create the ambiance for your romance to bloom.


1. Set the mood with soft, magical lighting.


As Martha Stewart often says, “It’s all about the lighting!” Lighting is essential.  Decorate the edges of your deck with lit tea light candles.String twinkle lightson railings, in planters, or in low hanging trees. Arrange varying candle sizes as a centerpiece to your table. Using unscented candles will provide romantic lighting without being overpowering. For auto-magic mood lighting, consider adding dimmable accent lighting to you decking or post cap lighting to your railing. Easy to retrofit into existing railing and decking, Fiberon offers a solution that creates the perfect evening setting, ready when the mood is right.


2. Decorate with flowers and herbs.


Toss handfuls of rose petals on your deck and tables. Expertly create a trail ofrose petalsfor your partner to follow. Easily arrange fresh flowers and fresh herbs from your garden in mason jars decorated with burlap string and place them strategically around your deck.


3. Play calm, romantic instrumental music.


Music is the key to the soul, so be sure to play soft music to set the romantic mood you are invoking. Pandora has several channels dedicated to romance.  Choose your music and be ready cuddle and slow dance at a moment’s notice.


4. Create soft textures to snuggle on.        


Arrange soft spaces for snuggling and comfort. Be sure to have cushions for deck chairs. Deck couches can have luxurious blankets and pillows for cuddling under the moonlight. Soft rugs and beautifully arranged throw pillows allow forextra nuzzling space.  Remember, your outdoor living spaces deserve the same attention to detail as your indoor rooms.  


5. Serve edible romance.


From cordials and chocolate to Grilled Salmon andPassion Fruit Sangria, the options are endless for romantic dinners and treats.  Keep in mind that romantic food is about titillating the senses and is best served to you by another; therefore, small appetizers that can be picked up with your fingers or dainty utensils only adds to the romance.


For more inspiration, visit Fiberon’s Pinterest page and for more decking ideas or articles like this visit their blog.



Fiberon composite deckingand railing materials are crafted to endure the elements and deliver lasting beauty for years to come.  Built for Outdoors, Built for Life.  www.fiberondecking.com

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